Green Cups And Bowl - Green Monday

A few months ago hubby and I went to a thrift store and i saw this 3 cups and 1 bowl. It was only more than $1 for 4 of them. I was very happy that i bought it since we used it a lot of times. Hubby keep using the cups when he make a hot coco/milo for me and our son. It is microwavable and dishwasher safe. Hubby said that it might be antique cups and bowl it was not really sets but it was i already bought it.  Anyway, have a happy new year.


Leovi said...

I love those beautiful cups, greetings.

Jessica said...

beautiful cups and saucers Mommy Gen, liked the design too :-) Visiting from Green Monday, hope that you can return the visit too.

Lainy said...

WOW! That's a great buy! 41 for all 4 of them??? Just wonderful! And I am so green with envy right here, LOL!

Lainy said...

Visiting back here. Thanks for the comments across my blogs.

Shengkay said...

wow! love them all..
Visiting from green Monday hope you could visit back my Green Monday Entry Happy 3kings!

Lainy said...

My 3rd visit this time via Morning Dew ;-)

my green living ideas said...

so cute, i like the design, very neat and dainty and for a price like that.

thanks for sharing and continue Living Green.

Seow wei said...

A beautiful green cups and bowl, I like it.

web designing in India said...

I use a lot of disposable plastic drinking cups (yeah, bad habit) and my cats love drinking out of them and seem to dislike their bowl, even though I keep it pretty clean and change the water in their cups and bowl every day. Is there some reason for this?

dentist manchester said...

can i drink green tea after 6pm? or even later? will it interfere with my sleep? keep me awake for long?

natural gas conversion said...

I use a lot of disposable plastic drinking cups (yeah, bad habit) and my cats love drinking out of them and seem to dislike their bowl, even though I keep it pretty clean and change the water in their cups and bowl every day.