Green Monday #4 - Tool Building

Today is Monday time to share something green. There are so many things in this world that color green. Anyway, i want to show you our farm tool building surrounded by green trees. Hubby planted that trees to make the place cool at summer time. We also have a bunch of picnic table so that we can have a lunch in there during blueberry season of course under the shade trees. You ca visit our farm if you want (lol)...


January Zelene said...

nice photo momgen. thanks for the visit..

Non Living Thing
Earth Hour

Shengkay said...

nice share the trees..
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♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I wish I met you before when I was still in NC. I sure love to visit your farm, :D

Thanks for visiting My Green Monday

Chubskulit Rose said...

Ang laki!

Our Green Day fun, thanks in advance for your visit and comment. Have a great week ahead!

Arlene said...

wow gen, that is farm tool house in real. I have that in my facebook farm town. I have picnic tables in there,too! :D

Wish i can visit your farm. it's nice to relax out there ay.

My green entry is now up, too!

Mirage said...

I'll sure enjoy such a place!

moonstar said...

Wow, i would love to go in your farm. Invite mo ako ha. Hi, hi, thanks for sharing.

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